BON Carpet Odor Control
Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning Flyer PDF
Odors can be a problem when trapped in carpets, upholstery, and drapes. We have the answer to carpet odor control — BON, BioWorld Odor Neutralizer.
For industry-specific instructions, please click a link below.
The following dilution rates are suggested for carpet care:
Spray Dilution Rate:
There is a variable range for dilution depending upon the severity of mal-odor. The variable range is 1 to 1 part, 1 to 2 parts, or 1 to 3 parts water. This rate is for BioWorld Odor Neutralizer (BON) Concentrate.
Fog Dilution Rate:
The variable range is 2 oz. to 4 oz. BON per gallon of water depending on severity of mal-odor.
Shampoo and/or Rinse Solution:
The variable range is ½ oz. to 4 oz. BON per gallon of water or cleaning solution.
- Spray surface of carpet through a pump spray using spray dilution rate suggested above, then proceed to clean carpets in normal fashion adding BON Concentrate to the shampoo and/or rinse solution (see above).
- In many cases it will not be necessary to lift the carpet and treat the under padding and/or sub-flooring. Before expending this labor, dampen odor spot area with BON Concentrate and using a sponge, work the product into the carpet. An alternative is to inject with a syringe.
BON Concentrate will not damage the ionic properties of carpets. With natural fiber oriental rugs, test with BON Concentrate on a small, unnoticeable section, and if the result is satisfactory, proceed with the cleaning process. We recommend that only professionals trained in cleaning oriental carpets attempt to use BON Concentrate. In many cases, it is possible through BON to restore an odor polluted rug to its potential market value.
Change the air conditioner filter and spray the air condition intake with BON Concentrate.
Day Care Odors
Offices, Reception & Administrative Areas – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray carpet after vacuum cleaning, shampoo cleaning, spin bonnet buffing; onto seating fabrics and window drapes; spray into air-conditioner vent.
Play Rooms:
Spray onto floor in each corner of the room, onto window drapes, into air conditioner vent and onto vanity surfaces. Add ½ oz. of BON per gallon of wet mop solution.
Dining Areas – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray under tables; onto window drapes; into air conditioner vent, onto carpet after vacuum cleaning, shampoo cleaning, or spin-bonnet buffing.
Rest Rooms – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray and wipe vanity surfaces; spray on floor in front of toilet bowl and/or urinal; into floor drain vent; into air conditioner vent.
Kitchen – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray trash containers and dumpsters; into air cleaner exhaust cooking units; spray onto food preparation surface and rinse with water; into air conditioner and floor drain vents; into refrigerator after cleaning.
Plant Room, Basement Areas, Laundry – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray trash compactors and dumpsters; spray into air conditioner vent; into the dryer cycle during laundry operations. Fog wastewater sumps and drains using 1 part BON to 30 parts water.
Wet Mop/Wash Down Dilution Rates:
Range ½ oz. to 4 oz. BON per gallon of water depending on severity of mal-odor.
Spray Dilution Rate/Wick Dilution Rate:
Variable range to 1 to 1, 2 to 1, or 3 parts water to 1 part concentrated BON depending upon severity of mal-odor.
Humidifier/Fog Dilution Rate:
Variable range 30 to 150 parts water to 1 part BON Concentrate.
Environmental Managers
Wet Mop/Wash Down Dilution Rate: Variable range ½ oz to 4 ounces concentrated BON per gallon of water.
Spray Dilution Rate & Wick Dilution Rate: Variable range 1 to 1, 2 to 1, or 3 parts water to 1 part concentrated BON depending upon severity of odor.
Humidifier/Fog Dilution Rate: Variable range from full strength to 150 parts water to 1 part concentrated BON.
General Directions
Topical Applications Methods
Wet Mop All Floors – see Wet Mop/Wash Down Dilution Rate Above
Offices, Reception and Administrative Areas – see Spray Dilution Rate
Spray carpet after vacuum cleaning, shampoo cleaning, spin bonnet buffing; onto seating fabrics and window drapes; spray into air condition vent.
Dining Areas – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray under tables; onto window drapes; into air conditioner vent, onto carpet after vacuum cleaning, shampoo cleaning, or spin-bonnet buffing.
Rest Rooms – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray and wipe vanity surfaces; spray on floor in front of toilet bowl and/or urinal; into floor drain vent; into air conditioner vent.
Kitchen – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray trash containers and dumpsters; into air cleaner exhaust cooking units; spray onto food preparation surface and rinse with water; into air conditioner and floor drain vents; into refrigerator after cleaning.
Plant Room, Basement Areas, Laundry – Spray Dilution Rate:
Spray trash compactors and dumpsters; spray into air conditioner vent; into the dryer cycle during laundry operations. Fog wastewater sumps and drains using 1 part BON to 30 parts water.
Static Application Methods:
Wick: Place in an airflow
Humidifier / Fogger: Position to take advantage of mechanical air systems (A/C) for best possible product distribution, such as return air register intake
BON Guide for Carpet Care
Spray Dilution Rate:
There is a variable range for dilution depending upon the severity of mal-odor. The variable range is 1 to 1 part, 1 to 2 parts, or 1 to 3 parts water. This rate is for BON Concentrate.
Fog Dilution Rate:
The variable range is 2 oz. to 4 oz. BON per gallon of water depending on severity of mal-odor.
Shampoo and/or Rinse Solution:
The variable range is ½ oz. to 4 oz. BON per gallon of water or cleaning solution.
General Directions
- Spray surface of carpet through a pump spray using spray dilution rate suggested above, then proceed to clean carpets in normal fashion adding BON concentrate to the shampoo and/or rinse solution (see above).
- In the event of residual mal-odor, fog BON concentrate using fog dilution rate suggested above, through a cold aerosol type portable fogger.
- Should residual mal-odor be present, locate urine spotted areas and make topical application of BON concentrating using the spray dilution rate suggested above.
To increase profit by saving labor costs and to determine the most economical dilution rate for BON concentrate without extending the drying time, we recommend the above sequence, however, if mal-odor is not indicated by a close inspection of a suspect wet spot after step 1, omit step 2.
In many cases it will not be necessary to lift the carpet and treat the under padding and/or sub flooring. Before expending this labor, dampen odor spot area with BON concentrate and using a sponge, work the product into the carpet. An alternative is to inject with a syringe.
BON concentrate will not damage the ionic properties of carpets. With natural fiber oriental rugs, test with BON concentrate on a small, unnoticeable section, and if the result is satisfactory, proceed with the cleaning process. We recommend that only professionals trained in cleaning oriental carpets attempt to use BON concentrate. In many cases, it is possible through BON use to restore an odor-polluted rug to its potential market value.
Final Touch
Change the air condition filter and spray the air condition intake with BON concentrate.
BON Guide For Home Health Care
Ostomy Patients:
Put 1 teaspoon of BON inside pouch after emptying. Spray into the air as needed.
Spray the bedpan before and after each use.
Clean-up solids and liquids then spray BON directly onto the surfaces.
Decomposition Odors:
Spray bed linen, bed throw covers, mattress cover and curtains.
Room Odors:
Spritz BON onto curtains and/or carpet. Make a wick by stuffing cotton/tissue in a paper cup, then saturate with BON. BON also neutralizes cigarette odors.
Spray underside of toilet seats and floor in front of toilet units. Spray vanity surfaces. Use ½ oz. BON concentrate per gallon of wet mop rinse solution. (For best residual effect, do not spray onto surfaces that are water flushed.)
Carpet Odors:
For urine (human or pet), saturate the carpet and pad with full strength BON concentrate. If the odor is acute, clean thoroughly using a non-perfumed carpet cleaner. Add BON concentrate to final rinse ½ – 2 oz. per gallon (depending on severity of the odor). For minor problems, spritz BON concentrate directly onto the carpet.
Hard Floors:
Add ½ oz. BON concentrate per gallon of wet mop solution.
Spray into drying cycle to remove any residual odors in bed linens, towels, clothing, etc.
Air Conditioning Systems/Humidifiers:
Spritz into intake or return filter to neutralize odor throughout the system or place a one-gallon wick behind the intake grill or use a humidifier to dispense BON (undiluted to 1 part BON with 30 parts water).
House Pets:
If your pet has an odor problem, use BON for safe odor elimination. BON is non-toxic and complete safe for pets and people.
Animal’s Body:
BON can be safely sprayed directly onto the pet (avoid the eyes). BON even controls estrus odors.
Pet Sleep Area:
Spritz cushions and pads with BON. For carpets and hard floors- see above.
Kitty Litter:
Spray five or six puffs of BON directly onto the kitty litter daily.
Cages, Kennels & Carriers:
Spray inside of cages after cleaning, use 2 oz. BON concentrate per gallon of cleaning solution.
BON Guidelines for Pet Care
If your pet has an odor problem, use BON for safe odor elimination. BON is non-toxic, and completely safe for pets and people. BON even neutralizes skunk odors instantly!
BON will take care of odor problems such as parvo, expressing anal glands, and “bitch cycles”; spray into the air or directly onto the coat of the animal where the odor is originating. (Do not spray into the eyes.)
Mix BON with non-perfumed shampoo or rinse water (2 oz. per gallon of water). Spritz the animal with BON after dipping. One or two puffs will do.
Kitty Litter:
Spray five or six puffs of BON directly onto the kitty litter daily.
Cages, Kennels & Carriers:
Spray inside of cages after cleaning. Use 2 oz. of BON per gallon of cleaning solution. Spray BON full strength to lower section of timber posts and wood floors. Fog BON as needed when animals are out.
Hard Floors:
Add 2 oz. of BON per gallon of mop water, after four days, reduce to ½ oz per gallon.
For urine (human or pets), saturate the carpet and pad in the immediate area with full strength BON concentrate. If odor is acute, clean thoroughly using a non-perfumed carpet cleaner. Add BON concentrate to final rinse ½ to 2 oz. per gallon (depending upon the severity of the odor). For minor problems, spritz BON concentrate directly on the carpet.
Cut the top from a one-gallon jug of BON. Insert a roll of paper towels and saturate with BON.
Heating & Air Conditioning:
Spray several puffs of BON onto the filter or intake daily. If convenient, place a wick near the intake.
Special BON Tip:
Use a humidifier to dispense BON (charge rate 1 part concentrated BON to 30 parts water).
Fire Restoration
The following dilution rates are suggest for carpet and soft fabric care:
Spray Dilution Rate:
There is a variable range for dilution depending upon severity of mal-odor. The variable range is 1 to 1 part, 1 to 2 parts, or 1 to 3 parts water. This rate is for BioWorld Odor Neutralizer (BON) Concentrate.
Fog Dilution Rate:
The variable range is 30 to 1/150 to 1 (water to BON Concentrate) depending on severity of mal-odor and the length of spray time. 30 to 1 dilution would be fogged for no more than 15 minutes. 150 to 1 dilution would be fogged for longer periods. BON will follow the smoke path if the air conditioning system is running when fogging.
Shampoo and/or Rinse Solution:
The variable range is ½ oz. to 4 oz. BON Concentrate per gallon of water or cleaning solution.
General Directions
- Spray surfaces through a pump spray using spray dilution rate suggested above, then proceed to clean carpets/fabrics in normal fashion adding BON Concentrate to the shampoo and/or rinse solution (see above).
- In the event of residual mal-odor, fog BON Concentrate using fog dilution rate suggested above through a cold aerosol type portable fogger.
- Safe to spray directly to fabrics (except silk). Use a fine mist pump sprayer.
- Add BON to wash down liquids, variable dilution rate. Start at 4 oz. BON per gallon of water.
To increase profit by saving labor costs and to determine the most economical dilution rate for BON Concentrate. In many cases fogging the BON can restore smoke-damaged merchandise.
BON Concentrate will not damage the ionic properties of carpets. With natural fiber oriental rugs, test with BON Concentrate on a small, unnoticeable section, and the result is satisfactory, proceed with the cleaning process. We recommend that only professionals trained in cleaning oriental carps attempt to use BON Concentrate. In many cases, it is possible through BON to restore odor polluted merchandise to full market value.
Final Touch
Change the air conditioner filter and spray the air conditioner intake with BON Concentrate.
BON Concentrate is compatible with may restoration compounds. Pretest with a small quantity. Obviously, labor cost can be saved if BON is used with other compatible compounds during the restoration process.
Home Health Care
Ostomy Patients:
Put 1 teaspoon of BioWorld Odor Neutralizer (BON) inside pouch after emptying. Spray into the air as needed.
Spray the bedpan before and after each use.
Clean-up solids and liquids then spray BON directly onto the surfaces.
Decomposition Odors:
Spray bed linen, bed throw covers, mattress cover and curtains.
Room Odors:
Spritz BON onto curtains and/or carpet. Make a wick by stuffing cotton/tissue in a paper cup, then saturate with BON. BON also neutralizes cigarette odors.
Spray underside of toilet seats and floor in front of toilet units. Spray vanity surfaces. Use ½ oz. BON concentrate per gallon of wet mop rinse solution. (For best residual effect, do not spray onto surfaces that are water flushed.)
Carpet Odors:
For urine (human or pet), saturate the carpet and pad with BON concentrate. If the odor is acute, clean thoroughly using a non-perfumed carpet cleaner. Add BON concentrate to final rinse ½-2 oz. per gallon (depending on severity of the odor). For minor problems, spritz BON Concentrate directly onto the carpet.
Hard Floors:
Add ½ oz BON concentrate per gallon of wet mop solution.
Spray into drying cycle to remove any residual odors in bed linens, towels, clothing, etc.
Air Conditioning Systems/Humidifiers:
Spritz into intake or return filter to neutralize odor throughout the system or place a one-gallon wick behind the intake grill or use a humidifier to dispense BON (charge rate 1 part BON to 30 parts water).
House Pets:
If your pet has an odor problem, use BON for safe odor elimination. BON is non-toxic and completely safe for pets and people.
Animal’s Body:
BON can be safely sprayed directly onto the pet (avoid the eyes). BON even controls estrus odors.
Pet Sleeping Area:
Spritz cushions and pads with BON. For carpets and hard floors – see above.
Kitty Litter:
Spray five or six puffs of BON directly onto the kitty litter daily.
Cages, Kennels & Carriers:
Spray inside of cages after cleaning, use 2 oz. BON concentrate per gallon of cleaning solution.
Hospitals/Nursing Homes
BioWorld Odor Neutralizer (BON) is a vital necessity in the correct management of hospitals, nursing homes and in the private homes of people who are under convalescent care. To control all patient room odors, the following suggestions are made:
Patient Care:
To control all patient room odors, such as:
Excreta: Spray the bedpan before and after use.
Vomit: Cleanup solids and liquids, spray BON directly onto surfaces.
Decomposition Odors: Spray bed linen, bed throw, mattress cover and curtains.
Atmosphere Of Sickroom: Spray into air conditioning system.
Ostomy: Put 1 teaspoon of BON inside pouch after emptying. Spray into the air as needed.
Janitorial Maintenance:
Bathrooms/Restrooms: Spray underside of toilet seats and floor in front of toilet units. Spray top surface of urinal. (For best residual effect, do not spray onto surfaces that are water flushed.) Spray floor under urinal. Spray vanity surfaces. Use ½ oz per gallon of wet mop or rinse solution.
Carpet Odors: Apply BON through horticultural type pressure spray unit and mist to carpet surfaces, after vacuuming or spin-bonnet buffing. BON may be added at the rate of ½ oz per gallon to carpet cleaning liquid/rinse liquid. Use cleaning products that have a neutral odor.
Hard Floors: Add ½ oz BON per gallon of wet mop solution.
Laundry: Spray into drying cycle to remove any residual odors in bed linens, towels, uniforms, etc. Use 2 oz BON for 100 lbs of dry laundry (60 gallons of water).
Kitchen: Spray waste food receptacles, dumpsters and floor drains. Spray BON in refrigerator after cleaning, add 1 oz BON per gallon of wipe-down wet mop solution.
Plant Room: Spray room with BON through horticultural type pressure spray, or make a wick dispenser using a cut off 1-gallon jug with roll of paper towel, and soak with BON.
Air Conditioning System/Humidifier: Spray into intake return of filter to neutralize odors throughout the system zone, or place 1 gallon wick behind intake screen or use a humidifier to dispense BON (charge rate 1 part BON to 30 parts water).
Patient Transport: Spray into air conditioner vent to neutralize odors.
Hotel/Motel Applications
Guest Rooms:
After cleaning room and vacuuming carpets, spray several puffs of BON diluted 1:1 in the air conditioning/heater vents. Spray 5 to 8 puffs into various areas of the room atmosphere. Turn on a/c fan to help distribute the odor neutralizer throughout the room. Spray 1 puff in each clean ashtray.
Guest Bathroom:
Rinse mop tile floor with BON solution diluted ½ oz of BON Concentrate to 1 gallon of water. Spray and wipe vanity top. Spray underside of commode seat, and if commode area is carpeted, spray carpet in front of commode bowl.
Public Restrooms:
Spray top of urinal and spray floor in front of urinal. Spray drain cover. Spray underside of all commode seats and floor area in front of commode bowls. Spray air conditioner vents.
Reception and Administrative Area:
Spray room atmosphere, seating fabrics, and curtains. Clean and spray ashtrays. If sand is used in the lobby ashtrays, clean the sand and spray it with BON Concentrate. Spray into air conditioner vents.
Dining Room:
Spray onto carpet or floor after vacuuming or spin bonneting. Spray into curtains and into air condition vents.
Spray onto food preparation surfaces and rinse with water. Spray into refrigerator after cleaning. Spray trash compactors, trash containers and dumpster.
Vending Machine Area:
Spray inside trash container.
Dilution Rate
Spray treatment – Most odors can be neutralized by a spray dilution rate of 1 part BON to 1 part water. Experiment with dilution rates up to 9 parts water to establish the most satisfactory price/performance basis for your operations.
Wet Mop Solutions – Floor and carpet odors usually respond to ½ oz of BON concentrate to 1 gallon of water.