Category: Blog Post
Water Analysis – Color, TSS, TDS
Color is an indication of the amounts of dissolved and suspended materials present in water. Total suspended solids (TSS) gives a measure of the turbidity of the water. Total dissolved solids gives a measure of the nutrient material dissolved in the water are indicators of productivity.
Water Analysis – Temperature
Water temperature must be taken in the field. Temperature should be sampled at various depths using a recording Celsius thermometer. Location of temperature reading also needs to be considered, edge, middle, inlet, etc.
Water Analysis – Dissolved Nitrate
Nitrogen is essential for plant growth, but the presence of excessive amounts in water supplies presents a major pollution problem.
Water Analysis – Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide is present in water in the form of a dissolved gas. Surface waters normally contain less than 10 ppm free carbon dioxide, while some ground waters may easily exceed that concentration
Water Analysis – Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is vital to the life cycle common to water. It is essential to keep organisms living, to sustain species reproduction, and for the development of populations.
Water Analysis – pH Determination
The pH test is an important preliminary test. Small changes in pH (0.3 units or even less) are usually associated with relatively large changes in other water qualities.
Health Facts from MedicineNet
The MedicineNet Medical Dictionary defines Biotechnology as: “The fusion of biology and technology. Biotechnology is the application of biological techniques to product research and development.
Why Drink More Water?
Too many of us are missing out on an important nutrient. Although water is in all beverages, and in all foods, too, it is most beneficial to your body’s thirst cells when consumed without embellishment.
Environmental Cleanup Using Unique Biotechnology Formulations
Biotechnology is simply defined as the development of products by using a biological process. The United States, and specifically California, is a world leader in the area of new biotechnology, a multi-billion dollar industry.