Hydroelectric Plant Algae Treatment Case Study

Algae Case Study: Hydroelectric Plant

Project Situation

A hydroelectric plant in the Sierra Nevada collects river water in several flumes. The flow rate of the water varies from 20 – 60 cubic feet per second. Water flows through the facility to generate power and then empties back into the local river.

Excess algae and moss built up in the flumes and restricted water flow. Previous attempts to control the situation using mechanical brushing and chemical treatments were unsuccessful. These treatments also required extensive notifications to regulatory agencies and residential users with flume water rights.

People at the plant wanted an actual solution. They also wanted an alternative to chemical treatments to avoid the notification process.

Products/Technology Used

The operator contacted BioWorld® to provide environmentally safe and natural algae treatment products. We designed and installed a simple metering system to dispense BioWorld® Liquid Optimizer (Product #35064) and BioWorld® Algae Competitor Microbes (Product #30086) at the flume head works on a continual basis.


BioWorld® Liquid Optimizer and Algae Competitor Microbes helped out compete the algae and moss for the nutrients in the flume water. Ongoing treatments effectively minimized algae in the flume allowing for maximum flow rates and optimum power generation.

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