U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Algae Treatment Case Study

Project Situation

An Army Corps of Engineers facility was experiencing severe filamentous algae problems in research ponds they use to evaluate control of hydrilla with larvae. Chemical treatments such as copper sulfate could not be used. The Corps biologist sought a product that would control the algae without harming the larvae being propagated to control hydrilla. The ponds had both larvae and adult flies year round so any treatment would have to affect only the algae.


Within 6 weeks of beginning treatment, the biologist told us, “The results are unbelievable! I want to let you know that the algae treatment is working real well. We’re having real good luck with it and it looks like you’ve got a steady customer!”

BioWorld® provided only natural and environmentally safe algae treatment products for the USACE research ponds.
We applied BioWorld® Liquid Optimizer (Product #35064) and BioWorld® Algae Competitor Microbes (Product #30086) to the surface of the ponds on a regular basis.
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